Here are a few ways to "get through it" and help push yourself:
1.) "Waves of Work" ~ This one is particularly effective when you're sick or pregnant, simply go in waves, push yourself hard until you feel like you simply can't do any more, and then sit down and take a breath, play a Facebook game, chat with a friend. When you feel like you've recovered a bit (or you need to go to the restroom or get up for more water, etc.) get up and push yourself through another wave. It will take a little extra time but it will get done!
2.) "Fifteen Minute Timer" ~ Literally. Put yourself in a "cleaning time out." Set the timer for 15 minutes and test yourself to find out how much you can do! I've seen this as competitions on mommy boards (and have competed!) and its very effective. If you have kids add them to it too and have a friendly competition.
3.) "Circles" ~ Break the cleaning into different stages. Do a circle around your living room and pick up all the toys. Do another circle and pick up all the laundry. Do another circle and pick up all the dishes. Do another circle and... See how many circles you need to get it done. I typically take 3-5 circles with my two year old.
4.) "Chore Wars!" ~ A website that helps make cleaning fun. If you're a gamer its a fun twist on cleaning.
5.) "Reward" ~ Offer yourself a reward for a clean house, a trip to the mall to window shop, a picnic at a park, a "luxury" dinner, an extra tv show. Avoid high calories or spending lots of money though! hehe.
What do you do to help yourself stay motivated and keep your house clean?
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